Florida Congressman Mark Foley has resigned from Congress amid charges and allegations that he had inappropriate e-mail contacts with a former teenage page in the House of Representatives. So whats the real deal? Whats really going on? You can read the mainline press, and watch television, but youll never get to the real story that way. You have to ferret it out for yourself, and thats what we have done. We have talked with the movers and the shakers, to learn whats really happening.
First off, no one has a right to violate the sanctity of a teenagers world. In our country young people are protected and given rights precisely because they are young. They are at an age where they can not protect themselves. It is the sign of an advanced society that we choose to protect them, as well we should.
People who would prey on our children should go to jail for the rest of their lives. There is no need to give such scum a second chance. We shouldnt take that chance by giving them another chance. It is also the symbol of an advanced society that the framers of our constitution went out of their way to protect the rights of criminals. Compared to every other society on...