Marketing By Presupposition – The Curious Case Of Shan Zin Wah
If you sell or do something weird, or something that entails an awful lot of “information training” for potential customers, something that is very “niche” and little known to the general public, or something simply new that hasn’t had time to penetrate to the major markets as yet, you can sometimes feel that marketing is a real uphill battle.
I’ve certainly felt that way for many years but I’ve just started on a new campaign which I call “presupposition marketing”.
In brief, I’m going to pre-suppose that the audience already knows what I’m talking about, even though I know they have no idea!
What that does is to engage interest and the “oops, why don’t I know this …” factor, which is a strong social motivator to find out more.
Let’s say we were trying to market a new product called Shan Zin Wah.
Most people will write articles such as, “What is Shan Zin Wah?”, “An Introduction to Shan Zin Wah”, “How Shan Zin Wah Can Help You Lose Weight”,...