Massage benefits individuals of all age groups and different conditions. Touch is as important to any infants and kids like eating and sleeping. Massaging involves loving, gentle stroking or kneading by a parent or caregiver on various parts of a child’s body like the face, head, arms, shoulders, neck, hands, back, legs and feet.
Use of oils on the body of your precious little ones to soothe, relax and heal affirms a strong, close bond conveying a comforting sense of trust and security.
Early infant massage enhances the development of the nervous system and stimulates all other systems of the body. It improves circulation, respiration, aids digestion and eases elimination of wastes from the body. It also makes your little one less prone to gas and colic ailments. Massage of baby in its growing years prepares the body for sitting, standing and walking.
Massage is a wonderful stress buster for children who are prone to all kind of stress. Like a child starting a school in a new area, health, fights amongst parents, exams or peer pressure, etc produce emotional, physical and mental stress. Massage reduces stress hormones and heals the body....