When lower back pain hits you, a massage and massage rollers can be very effective in relaxing the tensed muscles. Massage is an ancient pain relieving technique and provides you relief from day-to-day stress, muscle cramps, while easing the back pain and headaches, by increasing blood circulation. A massage also flushes out toxins and wastes from your body, thus lending a healthy shine to the skin.
Effective Massage through Massage Rollers
These days, an alternative way to providing your body with the much needed massage is through massage rollers. If you dont have the time to go to a massage parlor or if you are staying alone, you can use a massage roller to give yourself instant relief. There are various types of massage rollers available in the market today:
The Omni Massage roller
It provides pressure and has the necessary mobility for a great massage. It has a directional massage ball, with an easy to grip handle. You can use it anywhere and carry it in your purse or bag. You can massage your lower back, neck or even forehead, if you have a headache.
You can begin by applying pressure on the roller and then gently roll...