I love shopping. Online, that is. No crowds at the malls and certainly no jostling for a parking space. Why would anyone want to traverse crowded New Jersey streets only to go to an equally crowded mall staffed by rude sales staff?
Okay, I’m exaggerating. There are plenty of nice people working at the malls and the internet doesn’t give you the “touchy-feely” you can get at a store by examining a product up close and personal, but with so many nice downtown shopping areas in New Jersey why not visit one of these instead?
I grew up in Ridgewood and at that time it was a town with a real downtown. No slight against the village now, but there are a disproportionate amount of restaurants and not enough stores to choose from. At least give us guys a hardware store to browse in for crying out loud!
My Ridgewood memories bring me back to the time when Woolworth’s and The Big Store dominated East Ridgewood Avenue. Woolworth’s, as you know, was the nation’s chief “5 and 10” store for many years in many American towns. By the time I was a kid growing up in the 1960s and 1970s there were precious few things...