Sure it would be easy for someone to tell you what good online medical billing courses should be comprised of. However, by showing you what they SHOULD NOT be will make a more dramatic impact on you so you will remember them instantly when researching an online course. Ready?
1) Medical Billing Courses online SHOULD NOT be taught by anyone other than experienced medical billers, medical coders or a successful medical billing business owner.
2) Medical Billing Courses online SHOULD NOT be given by an Educational Clearinghouse (school that teaches everything from accounting to zoology). The BIGGEST problem with EC’s is that you are not taught the in-depth education that you need to be proficient within this industry.
3) Medical Billing Courses online SHOULD NOT take you 2 years to complete unless one of the following applies:
a.) Your current situation doesnt allow you to dedicated the necessary time to complete the course sooner,
b.) Your course also consists of additional subjects such as medical transcription, medical coding or healthcare management.
c.) Your course also prepares you to sit for one of the National Certification...