In todays hectic twenty-four hour work-a-day life people suffer from many things, ranging from stress to ulcers, to bad knees (from wearing high heels all the time!). Bad backs arent all that uncommon either, and if you wait around long enough youll be bound to see and hear your fair share about anxiety disorders, heartburn, strokes and even migraines. And lets not forget the ever popular cold and flu viruses that always seem to be making the rounds. There is one thing however that does the rounds more often than you might realize, but always seems to be overlooked or passed off lightly, and thats depression. If you suffer from depression and dont get a proper medical diagnosis telling you that you suffer from Medical Depression, people just wont believe you, and will think youre just being silly.
Depression however is a very serious thing and should be treated as such, not pushed to a side as being all in the persons mind. Unfortunately unless you get an opinion thats medical depression is generally treated as something to be overlooked and ignored, and not as a serious medical and mental disorder.
Its also true however, that most people suffer from depression at...