Medical hair restoration in the literal sense includes the hair loss treatment which depends upon the use of medicines. Unusual hair loss both in men and women is caused by the alterations in the androgen metabolism. The metabolism of androgen involves an enzyme called 5 alpha reductase which combines with the hormone androgen (testosterone) to form the DHT (Dihydro-testosterone). DHT is a natural metabolite of our body which is the root cause of hair loss.
DHT gets into the hair follicles and roots (dermal papilla), it prevents necessary proteins, vitamins and minerals from providing nourishment for hair follicles. This shortens their growing stage (anagen phase) and lengthens their resting stage (telogen phase) of the follicle. DHT is responsible for 95% of hair loss.
Some individuals both men and women are genetically pre-disposed to produce more DHT than the normal individuals. DHT also creates a wax-like substance around the hair roots. DHT accumulation inside the hair follicles and roots is one of the primary causes of male and female pattern hair loss.
Blocking the synthesis of DHT at molecular level forms the basis for the treatment of MPHL (male...