There is a lot on the internet about starting your own medical transcription business and that is a wonderful idea! But did you know you can work from home as an employee?
Many people do not want to have to contact doctors and hospitals to obtain their own clients. This is why being an employee is so attractive. It is sometimes difficult to get your own clients if you live in smaller cities or rural areas. There usually isn’t much employment at all in rural and smaller areas without commuting a good distance to find work.
If you are an experienced transcriptionist and generally have around two years experience, you could be hired by the many companies in the United States that will provide the work for you. Many of these companies have health insurance, 401K, life insurance and other benefits.
Another advantage is if you move anywhere you can take your job with you and that truly is a luxury. Although the pay is somewhat less than it would be if you had your own business, you can make a good living from transcription at home with a company providing you the transcription work and avoid all the headaches of self employment taxes, paying for...