The harness forced me rigid in my seat. The pressure across my chest momentarily took my breath away. Fixed in position the only things I could move were my hands and feet. My heart raced at least twice its normal rate as we inched towards the starting point.
Anxiety began to swell inside me; I could feel my stomach turning. A deep fear within was urging me to escape and free myself from this unknown. As apprehension hit the zenith, loud rock music started blasting from two speakers concealed either side of the headrest.
White smoke normally reserved for nightclubs began to fill the arena. The only illumination was from disco lights perched above and beside the track, the only clue as to where you were heading.
As the mechanism took up the slack and prepared to slingshot us into next week, my backside began to twitch as I realised we had gone past the point of no return. The coaster was now primed and nothing was going to stop it.
Then it happened. Without warning we accelerated with such ferocity your cheeks were sucked through your skull. It was impossible to raise your head to see where you were going. Not that it made any difference, smoke was...