Men Can’t Stop Aging, But Aging Might Not Be The Problem
As men age, many will find that they are exhausted during the day, the spare tire around their middle continues to grow and their interest in sex plummets. Most men attribute these symptoms to the natural, inevitable aging process. But what most men over 40 don’t know, as the latest national study shows, is that all of these symptoms could indicate an often treatable clinical deficiency defined by abnormally low levels of testosterone, called Low Testosterone (Low T).
“Low T is potentially the hidden link between men’s health and serious medical conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis and depression,” says Daniel Perry, executive director of the Alliance for Aging Research. “Millions of American men experience it, but most don’t realize the difference between a natural decline in testosterone production and Low T, which constitutes a genuine medical concern.”
Highlights from the latest national study on Low T sponsored by the Alliance for Aging Research are alarming. One-third of American men over the age of 39 report two or more...