Menopause can adversely affect your ability to concentrate. It may become even more difficult to focus than before, you may also feel disorientated and experience a general state of mental confusion that is all-too-common at this mid-life transition.
These symptoms can be further exacerbated for women who have undergone a hysterectomy. Women find themselves often worrying whether or not they have forgotten to turn the iron off, or maybe they frequently forget to turn off the television before departing for work.
Menopause closely correlates with some decline in mental functions such as memory loss and the ability to clearly concentrate. Your ability to recall certain events and the ability to focus is often affected due to crucial hormonal imbalances in your system.
Estrogen regulates many female processes and plays a role in working with the neurotransmitters in the brain, sending signals to and from; in effect estrogen is responsible for maintaining healthy memory. Lost levels of this vital female hormone will quite simply affect your brains ability to function.
Couple this with the fact that menopausal woman are already undergoing stressful...