Menopause can be stated as the last menstrual cycle in a woman’s life. It is part and parcel of your life similar to many other things. These symptoms begin long before your menstruation cycle completely stops. The symptoms of menopause can last for months or even years. If there are no periods in 12 successive months, it means you have reached menopause. It is a natural process which is related to hormonal, physical and psychosocial changes in your life.
Causes of Menopause
Due to lack of estrogen and progesterone women have to go through this phase of life. During early stages of your life, these hormones determined the monthly cycles of ovulation and menstruation. With the passing years our body produces less amount of progesterone leaving the eggs from the ovaries unfertilized. Sooner or later the menstrual cycle ends and so does your chances of becoming pregnant. Menopause does not mean that you are sexually inactive.
Symptoms of Menopause
Irregular Periods
Gain weight
Hot Flashes
Sleep disorder /Insomnia
Mood Swings
Memory lapse
Vaginal or bladder infection