Having the perfect body has become a very serious issue for many men and women. While some say that it is usual for women to be body-conscious or potentially develop an eating disorder. Various studies suggest that these men developed this condition by seeing of images men with muscular and toned physique being shown in the television, Internet, and magazines. Because of these factors, the male community developed the desire to achieve the same physique that these celebrities possess. Body dysphoria is used by many medical experts to describe feelings of sadness, depression, and self-hate as a result of one’s appearance. This condition now affects countless individuals around the world.
Individuals with dysphoria tend to over-train, not minding the effects that may take place in the long run. Oftentimes, these men see themselves as being thin and scrawny. Their goal to become more muscular becomes more intense and will do everything to achieve their wanted physique. They are in a hurry to achieve their ideal physique that they have disregarded the effects that over-training may bring. Over-training can cause physical and mental illness because the excessive...