Back during the 1980s when Mercedes introduced its first baby Mercedes, the car was received with mixed reviews. Motorists loved the car, now a C series model, as it made a Mercedes automobile affordable for the middle class. On the other hand, critics worried that the esteemed Mercedes-Benz name would suffer as a car touching the price level of many ordinary American models would soon become part of the line up. Today, even smaller Mercedes are planned for the US market. Will this be a huge mistake for the German automaker or is Mercedes incorporating smart thinking?
To the surprise of many Americans, the Mercedes brand isnt as pompous or pretentious in Europe as it is in the U.S. Crafty Mercedes-Benz marketing over the years has presented an image of Mercedes as being an ultra-luxury automobile line, a truly superb benchmark from which all other cars are measured. In some respects this image is true, but in reality Mercedes goes well beyond such a narrow definition.
In the European market, Mercedes is known for producing these same high quality luxury cars, but also for producing vehicles that are much more attainable for the masses. Even right now Mercedes...