Metatarsal Fracture Explained
One of the most common injuries in the history of sports is the metatarsal fracture. This kind of injury has been very prevalent in football in the past 5 years. Several high- profiled footballers suffered from the same injury- David Beckham, Wayne Rooney, Ashley Cole, and Steve Gerrard. The anatomy of the foot will however help us understand this injury better and deeper.
Metatarsal bones are long and slender bones found in between the Tarsal bone and the Phalanges. There are 5 Metatarsal bones in each foot. These bones act like a rigid lever in the propulsion of the ankle and the foot. It also acts like a flexible structure that will help in balance and holding up the entire body.
Metatarsal fractures are caused by direct trauma, overuse and excessive rotation. Bone injuries like this are very common since there is a very little soft tissue that protects the top of the foot.
Four anatomic segments divide the fifth metatarsal. These are the base, the junction, the shaft, and the neck. Several fractures can be made out of these segments.
Fracture of the fifth metatarsal is the most common metatarsal injuries....