Methadone: A Powerful Drug For Treatment of Pain and Drug Dependency
Methadone is known as a highly effective and powerful drug. It is a narcotic that belongs to the same family of opioids like heroin. Methadone is a long acting medication for pain relief. It is an effective opiod analgesic for severe pain. Because of its low cost and apparent efficacy in complex pain syndromes, it is increasingly being used as a first-line opioid. It is such a good pain medication for chronic pain sufferers and for helping narcotic dependents get through life without having to spend their existance trying to keep a steady supply of heroin around or nearby, just to physically get through a day.
Methadone is said to be well-tested medication that is safe and effective for the treatment of narcotic withdrawal and dependence. For more than 30 years, this synthetic narcotic has been used to treat opioid addiction. Heroin releases an excess of dopamine in the body and causes users to need an opiate that would continuously occupy the opioid receptor in the brain. Methadone occupies this receptor and is the stabilizing factor that permits heroin addicts to quit their addiction.