Miami Beach, Florida Film And Entertainment – A Complete Review.
For the many attractive reasons visiting Miami Beach, Florida, are, for sure, the excuse now known as the must-attend Spring Break, or perhaps the roller-blading beach beauties, or maybe the perfect weather conditions. But more exciting reasons, transcending the travelers penchant for balmy bay winds and such, is in the reputation a place like Miami Beach, Florida has for featuring popular TV programs and series and hosting films which have a Miami Beach, Florida setting.
Remember the first long-standing show of the past – the Don Johnson and Phillip Michael Thomas original Miami Vice version, which highlighted the Miami Beach, Florida scenes, ocean- and landscapes, and even southern fashions of the seventies and eightiesthe open necked t-shirt and sports coat and shoes without socks look that spread throughout the region as quick as Disco gold chains and polyester did. However in the same genre, three decades later, the even more influential Miami Beach, Florida show is CSI: MIAMI. The hang-dog heroic, the neo-Clint Eastwood with an intellect of David Carusos character leads the team...