Over 40 million women are entering the second half of their lives and what they really want is not what many people think. Its not about the gray hair, a few wrinkles or even hitting the big 5-0.
The recent story in Time Magazine (5/9/05) has hopefully opened eyes to what midlife and older women really want. So often, society looks at midlife as just being that midlife, menopause, empty nest, gray hair and wrinkles. Yet, to women its so much more.
We have been asking women about their views and stories regarding positive and successful aging experiences. Not only have they shared their wonderfully delightful stories, they have also revealed their hopes, expectations and goals for the second half of their lives.
These stories tell of women looking forward to this time of their life as a time of renewal, of exploring new areas of interest and of the freedom to be whole and who I really want to be. Women speak of lessons learned, wisdom granted, and the ability to look ahead to accepting new challenges. Many of these women actually look forward to growing older and to the gifts that come with age.
What about you? What do you really want? This is not...