The television series, House is widely enjoyed by millions of viewers all over the world. The concept of the show revolves around a brilliant diagnostician and his team of doctors who try to determine the illness of their patients to be able to provide the appropriate treatment. The method they utilize to uncover the mysteries of the patient’s condition is called differential diagnosis. In the field of medicine and health, conducting a differential diagnosis is very necessary since several illnesses may display similar symptoms. A differential diagnosis is therefore done by observing the various symptoms manifested by a patient; doing different types of medical examinations; and by interviewing the patient or his family regarding personal, medical and social histories. The main goal, therefore, of having a differential diagnosis is to avoid medical malpractice and to provide quality treatments for patients.
As mentioned earlier, several medical problems or illnesses may show similar symptoms or manifestations. This makes it more difficult for people and even physicians to identify treatment that should be provided. Such can be the case in conditions such as...