A mileage credit card is practically identical to a frequent flyer credit card. Mileage cards gained popularity when the airlines companies, to gain customer loyalty and patronage, introduced mileage points on every flight that a customer would travel. Once a certain level of points is reached, they can be redeemed for free travel to various destinations. Many airlines collaborated with credit card companies to offer these benefits on the mileage card Programs.
Partnerships between credit card companies and mileage cards allowed the credit card holder to convert their reward points into air miles, typically, at the rate of one mile for every dollar charged on the card. This encouraged customers to use the credit card frequently so that more miles could be accumulated. The mileage cards in turn allowed customers to redeem points apart from air tickets for free hotel accommodations, car rentals and a host of other services.
Miles are equivalent to currency. Most of the times, customers accumulate many miles only to realize that it will not take them to the place they most wanted to go. A mileage credit card is very similar to a traditional credit card, but...