Before you decide to apply for miles credit cards there are a couple of questions you should ask yourself. What benefits are offered by the airlines for their respective miles credit card? What miles card would give me the most in a small amount of time?
Whether you choose a miles credit card that is sponsored by an airline or one that is sponsored by more than one, they normally allow the cardholder the benefit of collecting points to use on their airline or any respective airline that is sponsoring that specific card. The problem may be that the airline or airlines with this miles card do not have regular flights to your destinations.
Many banks are now offering miles credit cards with many more benefits such as choosing from a list of airlines and destinations. If you only use one airline then you may wish to choose the miles credit card from your airline that will only allow you to gain points while traveling with them and only use them for transferring your points into free flights, hotel accommodations, and car rentals. However, if you normally do not travel with just one airline, choosing one that gives you the freedom to use several airlines will be much...