Almost everyone has heard of dog tags at one time or another. Whether you have seen a teenager wearing dogs tags with their initials on it or actual dog tags which are worn by members of the armed forces, dogs tags are worn by many different kinds of people. Although they have become a part of mainstream fashion, true dog tags are much more than a simple piece of decorative jewelry. Military dog tags are worn by soldiers and other members of the armed forces as a means of identification. In the unfortunate event that a soldier is killed during combat, their military dog tags can be used to identify their body and inform the family of this extremely sad event. Although people living in regular conditions can be identified by a driver’s license or similar form of identification in the case of a tragedy, these normal means of identification are not enough for soldiers because of the extraordinary circumstances they are living in. If a soldier kept an identification card in their wallet or pocket, it could easily be stolen or lost during combat. However, because military dog tags are worn under a soldier’s uniform, the chances of a soldier losing or having them...
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