When you think of precious minerals, you probably think of silver and gold. But where your health is concerned, others – like calcium and iron – are far more precious. Each of these dietary minerals is unique and carries out its own life-giving task.
Scientists have divided these nutrients into two groups – major and trace minerals – depending on how much of the mineral is in your body.
7 minerals you can’t do without
The major minerals stand out from others simply because there are more of them in your body. If you could remove all your body’s minerals and place them on a scale, they would weigh about 5 pounds. Almost 4 pounds of that would be calcium and phosphorus, the two most common major minerals. The five other major minerals would make up most of the remaining pound.
By far the most abundant mineral in your body, calcium makes your bones and teeth strong and hard. Without it, they would be as floppy as your ears. Imagine trying to get around then.
Calcium doesn’t just stay trapped in your skeleton, though. Small amounts of it travel into your blood. There, it’s essential...