The customers first impression of your company may be determined by you or your email message. The way you communicate will reflect how others perceive you. Keep and maintain a trusting relationship with your customers by being aware of the type of jargon and technical language you use when communicating.
Your may have internal customers, external customers, or both. These customers put their trust in you. In some professions (such as doctor, financial consultant, banker, CPA, attorney), you have a very specific role as confidant. Regardless of your occupation, recognize that trust refers to how you communicate information, as well as to the information itself.
Its not just about the information you send. It is also about how the information is communicated. If you send a customer information in an email message that is misinterpreted, you will lose that trust factor.
Trust is difficult enough to earn initially. And, trust is virtually impossible to regain, once its lost.
Keep in mind that trust may not be the reason a client hires you or a customer buys from you. It may have nothing to do with the initial purchasing...