Periodically during the course of our lives we are granted the “opportunity of a lifetime.” It’s a chance that doesn’t come our way very often, and usually one that would result in tremendous benefits for us, if we can manage to grasp it before it slips away. Some of us are able to grab ahold, while others may lose their grip for whatever reason and miss the chance.
The initial disappointment and loss we feel is understandable and expected. But what many of us do at times like this is apply the disappointment to everything in our lives. We slap a red “failure” label on our foreheads and toss in the towel. Because we didn’t “succeed” at this opportunity, we convince ourselves that we’ll NEVER succeed at our goals and dreams. Nothing could be further from the truth!
While it’s true that certain specific opportunities only occur “once in a lifetime,” that doesn’t mean there won’t be other opportunities coming our way. Many of us create a mental vision of the packaging our dream is wrapped in. We get attached to that packaging, and believe that if our dream doesn’t happen...