Lactation difficulties are not completely prevented by using PDF; you are rested and eating properly, your baby is getting enough food and growing, and your life is relatively predictable. So you might think that youre immune from production issues, right? There are many more factors which play in to milk production that just the ones I listed.
Factors that can affect milk supply include:
Amount of sleep a mother receives
Moms diet & nutrition
Her state of mind
Mothers age
Whether this is her first child or sixth
Moms desire to breastfeed
Her capacity to nurse
A mothers nursing techniques
Her babys ability to properly latch on
If youre nursing, keeping tabs on your babys growth is incredibly importantyour babys life depends on it. How will you know if hes getting enough milk or nutrition? Unfortunately, the breast tissue isnt transparent and we cannot see exactly how much milk your baby is drinking or your body is producing. Fortunately, there are other ways to achieve our goal.
In the first week of life, your baby...