My brother-in-law, a fellow coach, and I often have discussions, debates, and differing of opinion on the value of money. Not the monetary value of money, but money as a core value. One thing that he often says that is really starting to resonate with me these days is, Money may not be a core value for youbut just try changing the world without it. Hes absolutely right about that.
Money may be one of the biggest stumbling blocks you have between you and an authentic life. I recently held my Motivation for Healthy Living workshop for a corporate group of about 50 people. When I asked them how many of them were out of bed by 7am during the week, every one of them raised their hands. When I asked for a show of hands of how many of them are up and around on the weekend by 7am, only about a quarter of the audience raised their hands. For those who had differing waking times I asked why they were up so early during the week. The bottom line my job requires I be in at a certain time and I need my job to support my family in the lifestyle we want to have. When I ask if they would get up prior than 7am to come in and do the job they do if they were not getting paid it was a...