As we all know, if we can improve our vehicles gas mileage that means we can save money. Lets face the fact that gas prices are skyrocketing. Most of Americans are paying $4 for each gallon, while in the international market it would cost as much as $6 for each gallon. There would be the old techniques to save gas and the new technology (called water to gas engines) that will save our money from the pump.
We know that if there are traditional ways to achieve better mileage. Like if we change some of our driving habits such as accelerating slowly, keeping a good distance (so you don’t have to break and again accelerate), running on a constant speed and not driving faster then 65mph – 120km/h, then definitely well be getting better mileage out of our cars.
Making sure the tires are well inflated will also help in improving gas mileage. Wheel alignment is also important, since an improper alignment can add to the wear the tires are experiencing which is unnecessary. Having a regular car tuning up will also help. Replacing your old air, with a new filter can reduce fuel consumption up to 10%.
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