Every little bit of help is useful when youre trying to lose weight or keep your weight stable as you get older. Diet and exercise are still the most important components of weight loss and maintenance, but studies are showing that tea, particularly green tea, may be able to provide some assistance in losing weight and keeping it off.
For centuries, Asians have used green tea for health. In addition to Asian cultures having a much lower incidence of serious diseases such as cancer and heart disease, they also are far less likely to be overweight.
Tea comes from the Camellia sinensis plant. While there are several different types of tea, all true tea comes from this plant. The differences occur from how the tea is processed. Green tea is not fermented during processing, but black tea, which is the most common outside Asia does go through a fermentation process.
Tea leaves naturally contain catechins, which belong to the flavan-3-ol class of flavonoids, which are anti-oxidants. EGCG is one of the catechins contained in tea, and is one of the most powerful anti-oxidants around.
Each day, as we convert food to energy, we create free radicals in our...