Preventing injuries, illness, and operational loses is good business sense. To be successful requires communication from the top to bottom and vice versa. Health and safety in the simplest sense is constant communication on bettering a particular process.
Workplace accidents and injuries can be prevented. Businesses that have taken the initiative to protect themselves from accidents have half the injury rates than their competitors that have not. Businesses that have implemented effective health and safety programs not just for wanting safer workplaces, but also they want to:
1) lower costs
2) improve employee relations and even trust
3) improve productivity
4) improve protection of business from down time due to injured workers
5) improve customer relations
All organizations can operate more safely. Some businesses operate safer than others; these businesses maintain safety standards. Safe operation is not left to chance. These businesses have implemented proactive, and not reactive, health and safety programs. These same businesses will also be more profitable, more innovative, and lead their competitors in their...