After all, what are the formal mortgage broker training, attendance at mortgage seminars, and time and effort that youve put in doing for you now? There has to be something else in todays market. As someone who has had mortgage loan training and who Im sure pays attention to the news and realizes how many foreclosures are out there right now, arent you ready to learn how you can profit from the current real estate economy and, in doing so, earn 10 times what you would make for simply originating a loan?
Now that youve completed the Quick Start Guide portion of my online posts, lets dive into the next series of material, which covers how to effectively market your preforeclosure business. Remember that my entire short sale course for mortgage brokers has nine main subjects that it will cover. So, lets start by quickly reviewing all of the topics that will be covered over the next several posts.
Types of offers you will be making to motivated sellers
Benefits of a business model that focuses on pre foreclosure
The 3 Ms of Marketing Part I Your Market
The 3 Ms of Marketing Part II Your Message
The 3 Ms of Marketing Part III Your...