A mortgage is often the single biggest financial commitment that many people make during their lifetime, yet fewer than half of all residential mortgage holders choose to take on protection of their mortgage repayment ability with mortgage protection insurance.
Mortgage protection insurance, or mortgage payment protection insurance, is a form of insurance that ensures mortgage repayments are met should the mortgage holder become unemployed, fall critically ill or be unable to earn income due to an accident. This type of protection insurance product is quite cheap to maintain, and allows mortgage holders to set an insurance amount for monthly protection pay-out that covers mortgage costs and additional expenses up to a set percentage above mortgage outgoings.
Most mortgage payment protection insurance policies are strict on protection insurance claims. For instance, should the mortgage holder become unemployed through their own free will, then they would not be covered by the mortgage payment protection insurance policy. However, redundancy does qualify for payment through the protection insurance policy, providing that the mortgage holder actively seeks new...