About the last thing an individual or a lender want to do is become embroiled in a mortgage repossession procedure as it can be devastating for a homeowner to lose their residence and it detracts from the daily business of the lender. However, in troubled economic times foreclosures may be on the rise as many people struggle to meet the obligations of home ownership.
There are many reasons for people to fall behind on mortgage payments such as illness, layoff, loss of employment, or even escalating interest rates. Despite a history of making payments on time, an event that challenges a persons ability to stay up to date on their payments, may prompt an action leading to mortgage repossession proceedings. Once the borrower becomes behind on even one payment, things usually spiral out of control, with the borrower being continually late time and time again.
In todays housing market, some lenders may have offered mortgages to people who were most likely not going to be able to make the payments, but low interest, variable rate mortgages gave them and the lender a false sense of security for the future. Buyers may have been counting on in increase in income to offset...