When shopping for a mortgage loan, every lender will have different rates, fees and points for each loan program. When shopping for a mortgage loan, it is important to understand the three components of a Rate and Fee Quote: (1) Premium Rates (2) Lender Fees and (3) Discount Points.
A Premium Rate offer is any interest rate above the market rate (referred to as the Par Rate). While the Par Rate changes constantly during the day, most lenders will commit to a specific Par Rate early in the day. If the Par Rate is 6.00%, the lender will only earn revenue if they offer you a rate above Par (for example, 6.25%).
Lender fees are charged for services performed directly by the lender, which may include Processing Fees, Underwriting Fees, Origination Fees, etc. These fees are charged to offset the cost of processing, closing, and funding your mortgage loan.
Discount Points often represent the largest fees associated with your mortgage loan as one point equals 1% of your loan amount. If you are applying for a loan amount of $350,000 and pay 2 Discount Points, the Discount Point Fee would be $7,000. Borrowers may use Discount Points to obtain rates below...