Many people make a major mistake when applying for a mortgage. They are so relieved to get the loan that they fail to pay attention to prepayment penalties in the loan documents.
Prepayment Penalties
With the refinance craze of the last few years, many borrowers have been surprised to find they are locked into their loan with prepayment penalties. Boiled down, these penalties require borrowers to pay fees if they pay off the loan prior to a certain point in time. By including such language in the loan documents, some lenders are trying to ensure they will recover a certain amount in interest on a loan as well as reach a certain maturity date on the loan. Lucky you.
Prepayment penalties come in a variety of forms. First and foremost, state law controls the amount and types of penalties that can be charged by a lender. Of course, this means each state has different laws and you should make sure you understand what can be done in yours.
As to the payments themselves, they typically come in two forms. The first is a percentage of the overall loan For instance, assume you have a $400,000 mortgage and the prepayment penalty is 3 percent. Your prepayment...