Experienced travelers the world over know the tried and true saying: Less is more. Who wants to schlep around heavy, bulky bags when youre far from home, most likely running from place to place, trying to make sure all of your belongings continue to be your belongings? The trick of the trade, according to seasoned travelers, is to consider packing only one bag. Whats more, to consider making that bag the size of a carry-on bag. Thats right, the size of a bag that fits, or mostly fits, in the overhead compartment on todays commercial airlines.
Consider the following reasons to travel light:
1. Safety
Simply put, one bag is easier to keep tabs on than two bags, or three, or… You get the idea. You dont have to check your bags and risk losing them altogether as you travel.
2. Efficiency
One bag means less to carry, which means you dont have to pay someone to help you or pony up for one of those Smarte Cartes at the airport. Also, with one bag, you wont be as tempted to buy as many useless souvenirs youll never need, because there wont be room for anything extra in your bag on the return trip.
3. Flexibility
With only one bag, you...