Most Newsletters Don’t Work – part one: Success and How to Monitor It
Some people think newsletters dont work. Often, theyre right. In a world where most newsletters dont work, it is common to be confused about how to define newsletter success.
Whats it good for?
Over the past ten years, I have paid attention to newsletters. I can tell you why most dont work. It starts with confusion about what newsletters are good for. Confusion about how to monitor success comes from that.
How many next-day phone calls?
Many marketers expect a newsletter to generate results as soon as it arrives. Most newsletters do. However, when the results expected are new sales and referrals following each issue, most newsletter issuers eventually conclude that newsletters dont work. By the way they gauge success, theyre right.
Check your perspective.
From a sales perspective, an ineffective newsletter should be canned. But first, consider other perspectives. For example, think from the perspective of the impression left on readers. What impression would it make on you to receive two or three newsletters, then none at all,...