You will find that any motor home that you buy will come with a warranty of some sort. Of course, the warranty will vary depending on whether you buy new or secondhand. New vehicles will attract a longer term warranty than secondhand vehicles, however, at some point the warranty on either vehicle will expire, leaving you exposed to the risks of paying for expensive repairs should something happen to your vehicle after that expiration. And guess what something normally does happen!! You can, however, protect yourself against this by taking out an extended warranty on your motor home.
For many motor home owners, an extended warranty provides peace of mind and with companies offering extended warranties directly to owners via the internet premiums have come down a lot, thus making an extended warranty quite reasonable. You will find that dealers extended warranties are much more expensive because the insurance companies must raise their price to cover the commission paid to the dealer. Online companies dont have this commission to pay and can therefore offer a better price.
When buying an extended warranty make sure that you are dealing with a reputable company. The...