A mountain bike is a bicycle specifically designed to withstand the toughness and roughness of a cross country ride. Compared to road bikes and BMX bikes, these mountain bikes usually have broader frames and tires to accommodate the rough road and terrain. These bikes usually have either front or rear suspension, depending on the preference of the rider. In some cases, both ends have suspensions. These are for the comfort of the rider while he is jostled as he traverses the rough road.
The broader and more knobby tires of the mountain bike are called knobbies because of the bumps and protrusions on them. These bumps or knobs are very efficient in gripping the rough terrain and maintaining their hold on the rough road. The smoother tires of road bikes cannot go up a rough road since these will just skid on it.
The different types of mountain bikes are usually categorized depending on their suspension. A full rigid mountain bike is one that has no suspension at all. Instead of the usual front suspension, it a fixed fork very similar to those of road bikes. A hard tail mountain bike is one that does have front suspension and does not have any rear ones. Some bikers...