A plant can save space, time and money with a carousel
Many companies think material handling automation is a nice idea, but something for the big guys. After all, computers and automated systems cost money. Automation is designed for high-volume shops. It takes up space. It requires training, and that means hours spent away from production. Once installed, automation needs to be maintained-and that means more downtime. Too often, the decision to automate is put off until a future day when the company thinks it’s big enough to need it-or big enough to afford it.
In reality, material handling automation comes in many sizes. It saves far more productive hours than it takes in training, installation and maintenance. It can actually save space. It’s not something that requires a plant to be of a particular size. In fact, it’s an excellent way to help grow to the size you want to be.
Consider these examples:
An electronics company had four or five people picking orders from shelving on about 2,000 square feet of floor space. Installing two simple horizontal carousels allowed one or two people to handle the same volume...