Anna is working as an art teacher in the city, however she fails in the big city, and is given a job to teach a young girl by the name of Flora. In the movie though it appeared that Anna played the role of the nanny and the art teacher. I’m not really sure, it was too boring to figure it out fully, and too lame to want to rewind to get all of the answers.
In A Dark Place seemed like an interesting movie, solely because I based it on the DVD’s box cover. It looked like a gruesome horror movie surrounding children. Usually there is nothing creepier than evil kids.
Once I popped the movie in though, In A Dark Place, just dragged on and on, and nothing made much sense.
In the beginning Anna begins to sense that their is something deeply wrong with Flora. Only I never sensed it, or were given any examples of why she was labeled a disturbed child by Anna. So the kid doesn’t think finger paint is lady like. What’s so wrong about that?
Shortly after establishing a relationship with Flora, Anna gets a letter from some private school that Miles (Flora’s brother) is expelled from the school. When Anna goes to pick him up, she...