When most people think of the lawn care business, they refer back to a time when they were in their teens trying earn some extra spending cash by cutting their neighbors lawn. Over time of course, people that were around us then and now most likely convinced you into thinking that it was just a small job that could, in most instances, never be used to sustain an adult led lifestyle. The fact is, mowing lawns can make you more money than any other type of job in the marketplace.
An independent lawn care specialist can earn up to $100k a year, while a commercial lawn care operation with a staff of 5 or more can pull in up to $500k+ after their first year in business, of course, all Dependant on how active they are in attracting new clientle.
By running an independent or commercial lawn care operation, you will be able to schedule your own jobs and hours, and ultimately determine when and where you want to work, which jobs want to take and the ones you don’t. Forget the 9-5 jobs and the dreaded graveyard shifts. As a lawn care specialist, you will work less and get paid more than if you were to work an all day shift at a store, restaurant or office.