Have you ever wished you could have a huge supply of training course plans at your fingertips just waiting to be delivered? No research? No designing? No planning? Well, if so, MTL 1daycourseplans from ManageTrainLearn, is the product youve been waiting for.
MTL 1daycourseplans comes from the Internet e-learning company ManageTrainLearn and, as their name implies, its designed for anyone who is a manager, trainer or learner.
Its also a remarkable product for 3 simple reasons.
1. Its Huge. If you purchased all the course plans on MTL 1daycourseplans, youd end up with over 100 separate programmes. Thats more than enough for 3 months continuous training every day of the week and every hour of the day. Of course, unless youre planning to open up your own training business, you may not want to do that, which is why you can just select the course plans that you do need in sets of 5.
All ManageTrainLearn programmes are arranged around 20 skill themes that they regard as the key skills for success in the 21st century. They include Appraisal, Facilitation, Change Management, Influencing and Negotiating Skills, and Personality Types. Just pick the...