Being a long-time Netizen, I frequently lurk in, around, and under the World Wide Web, visiting forums, blogs, and everywhere else I can go to without being arrested by the cyberpolice. My favorites, of course, are technology-related sites. That said, Ive seen and encountered a lot of questions from people wanting to know whats the best product out there, whether its a digital camera, multimedia speakers, or flash disks. And I just want to reiterate my frequent opinion on this matter: The best product is what fits your budget and meets your needs.
With regards to multimedia speakers, it amounts to the same thing. You alone can decide whats best for you, basing on what you need the speakers for and how much you can afford. Multimedia speakers have definitely come a long way. With the development of the Internet, along with games, digital music and video, the computer has evolved from being a mere document-processing machine to a multimedia station. Without the appropriate multimedia speaker system, one cannot begin to fully appreciate the entertainment power and potential of the computer and the Web.
Lets start with the price. You can buy multimedia...