Music has always been a rhythmic companion of our lives. People are born with music, study, drive, eat, sleep and dream to music. People even spend more money on music as compared to books.
Music is everywhere when a person talks to avoid silence and some leave a television or radio on in the background or even sing, hymn or whistle. Thus, music is important for the success in live training. We are able to easily make some connection when we view a picture and hear music at the same time. Powerful brain connections occur when music is combined with information.
One who learns something with the music is able to learn and remember much faster.
It is sound that wins
The first silent movies used to last for a minute or two which were immediate and short lived sensations. Absolute silence of voice and music proved as a deadly combination. Thereafter, theatre owners hired musicians on payroll. They told the musicians to play something or anything and when they did, it worked. Music became effective for solving problems as told by the film critics.
Later, radio found itself threatened by television because they feared that combined audio...