I find there are many benefits and advantages of me working from home. Here are just a few.
The greatest advantage I find is that of flexibility. I am able to work whatever hours suit me, and whenever they suit. Whilst I still put in many hours throughout the week, probably more than a standard working week, I can work these hours when I please.
I often find that the very early hours of the morning, before sunrise, when everywhere is quiet is my most productive time and yet other days, my creative juices are flowing in the very late hours at night. Either way, I can choose when to work, as it best suits me.
Working from home allows me to become involved in activities and events that traditionally I would not usually be able to. For example, I have taken a position on the College Board at the College where my children attend. Whilst meetings are in the evenings, I avail myself for any duties during the day time and have been called upon several times for various meetings.
The flexibility of working from home also allows me to pursue social and leisure activities often at a more suitable time than I otherwise could. As a boatie I enjoy taking out my...