My wife came home from work the other day very upset. She works for a bank in the mortgage Department and they had given her a laptop for her use at work. Someone had sent her an e-mail that had an interesting sounding attachment, so she opened it. It wasn’t long before things started to go wrong with her computer. Not only were there multiple pop-ups that were taking place all of the time but her computer had slowed to a crawl. It seems that there were so many viruses and spyware programs running on her computer that it simply could not keep up with the load. All of this happened because of one Trojan horse virus that was opened on her computer that allowed all of these other things to happen.
If it wasn’t bad enough that she had the pop ups, they soon begin to become embarrassing. Not only were they trying to sell her things, but many of the pop-ups were simply obscene material and pornographic advertisements. This certainly did not look good coming across on her computer all of the time, especially when she was dealing with mortgage clients. She was practically in tears by the time she had come home to ask me if there was anything that I could...