Here is how you go about using MySpace layouts for your MySpace page. First step is to login to your account and then find that “edit profile” link. Have you made any attempts to put in some information in the about me box? Its now time to start pimping the page up, add one of the MySpace layouts and kick start the show.
if you are working on a internet explorer that allows you to open multiple tabs, open one more and search for any site related to MySpace layouts. Once you find it, depending on what your interests are go towards those MySpace layouts. For women, there are various awesome layouts on these MySpace layouts and other sites as well. Whatever MySpace layouts site you are on, if you see a HTML code at the bottom near the theme picture, then you can use that on your profile page. Sometimes, they have various ads that can help direct people browsing through that site to the site that will help find more MySpace layouts on.
Once you have opened another tab or window, key in the address of the MySpace layouts website in the address bar. These sites done The MySpace layouts does not require you to be a member or register to browse through or...