Have you seen Mystery’s the Pick Up Artist aired on VH1? I’ve seen that episode and wanted to share with you guys my predictions.
What I liked:
1. The Students. Generally, I love the pick-up students because they’re always so eager to learn, share a common interest with me, and so grateful for even the small of improvement they make. Students are hands down the #1 reason why I do what I do.
2. Ridiculous Outfits of Mystery. No one can peacock like mystery, hands down. And the shows budget really allows for some fancy stuff. I dig it. Peacocking that hard is actually quite a challenge. Don’t believe me? Go to your local lair and look at all the guys who try it and get it wrong. It’s a trainwreck.
3. The Challenges. It was fun, entertaining and creative. Winner of one contest gets to walk around with a cute puppy in the next. Hillarious.
What I didn’t like:
Mystery is so attached to his structured method that he has not anymore aware why there some of his students fail… He got a blind spot on seeing that. “Yeah he should have used a false time constraint”. How about his lame body...